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World without the internet.

                                        World without the internet 

First of all I have to say it would be pretty hard without interne because I have to mention it that you are reading this document from this blog from the internet. So what would be the world without internet?

                                                           Good things 

A. In the modern world today many people travel from various destinations because of commercial, business or leisure purposes. Today we usually book the plane tickets with the internet but without it we have to really go to the flight center and book. 

B. When we do not no a meaning of a word, we usually google it. But without internet it would be different. We have to turn and see that encyclopedia or go to the library to find it. Now day with internet it is win- win because we only have type it on google.

C. The world economy will be different due to lost of software or software related companies because they run purely with internet. Many people's job might been different because of this situation. 

D. It would be a great effect on the devolvement of the field of science. 

E. If the internet didn't exist, when covid 19 pandemic came the world would be shut downed. Because now at least we can do our studies through the internet , hangout with your friends without socializing 

(Going out). 

                                               Bad things

A. If there was no thing called internet, We would be socializing or interacting with other persons more. 

B. People would be more healthy because we have to actually do something physically not virtually. 

C. They will be no cyber crimes. 

D. We would sleep better: According to WHO if we stay longer time on screen at night our brain cant shut down so sleeping is difficult for lot of people. 

                                             Image via-

There are bad things as well as good things about the internet. It's up to you for choosing write and wrong. 

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